The Imaging Core Facility of the UMS2008/US40 IBSLor collaborated with an Argentinean team to observe the nature of the molecular bonds involved in the red blood cell aggregation process with the help of CARS technology.
For the blood dynamics, the deformability of red blood cells (RBC) is an element of interest for microcirculation which is often accompanied by structures called “rouleaux”.
These aggregates or clusters of RBC are often observed in pathological situations such as diabetes or hypertension.
In this work in collaboration with an Argentinian team (CONICET, Rosario), we use the FLIM / CARS methods available on the imaging core facility (PTIBC) to show the effects of the plasma microenvironment in the context of induction of RBC aggregates (in the presence of a polysaccharide, Dextran).
These optical methods for the study of erythrocyte adhesion will contribute to the development of tools for diagnosis and treatment of vascular pathologies linked to microcirculation.
Publication: Toderi M, Galizzi G, Riquelme B, Dumas D. Study of the red blood cell aggregation by coherent anti-Stokes Ramanspectroscopy. Proc. SPIE 11251, Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2020, 1125124 (20 February 2020).