The UMS IBSLor welcomed on October 20, 2021 about twenty teachers from Toul at the Biopôle of the Université de Lorraine to exchange about technological developments and scientific jobs in the framework of the Year of Biology at CNRS.
Iouri MOTORINE (Director of the UMS IBSLor) presented the Mixed Service Unit IBSLor, its functioning, its missions and its different core facilities.
Christophe MERLIN (Lecturer-researcher at LCPME) then presented his research in environmental microbiology and demystified some preconceived ideas about coronavirus and antibiotics.
These moments of exchange between teachers and scientists were followed by a visit of two UMS core facilities (B2S and EpiRNA-Seq) and the LCPME laboratory.
A successful first afternoon within the framework of the actions carried out for the Year of Biology at CNRS.
Many thanks to Jean-Paul ROSSIGNON and Sandrine CAPIZZI (Maison de la Science) for having organized this meeting.
The next meeting within the framework of the Year of Biology at CNRS will take place on January 18, 2022.