Alicia KIEKEN, Master student from M1 “Nutrition and Food Science (NSA)” , Faculty of Science and Technologies, Lorraine University is hosted by the UMS for a two month internship, 8th of April to 31st of May, 2019.
She participates in the implementation of the quality management system according to the toolkit INFRA+ of Lorraine Université d’Excellence (LUE) for different core facilities of the UMS.
She contributes for the writing of the Quality documents required by INFRA+ and is coached by Mr Laurent Perilhon of the Délégation à l’Aide au Pilotage et à la Qualité (DAPEQ) of the Université de Lorraine.
The INFRA+ program aims to support Research Infrastructures (RIs) in the implementation of a continuous quality improvement approach for their services. The labelling of RIs as STAR-LUE fosters the creation of an RI network and the opening up of collaborations with other scientific communities and/or companies.