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* Event StAR-LUE labeling ceremony of the INFRA+ program

On October 14 and 15, 2021, were held at the Abbaye des Prémontrés in Pont-à-Mousson, the days dedicated to the Lorraine University of Excellence (LUE) initiative. This event follows the confirmation of LUE in the I-SITE category in June 2021 by the international IDEX-ISITE jury. Bringing together nearly 150 people, these days had a triple objective: to take stock of the successful actions carried out in recent years, to consider the future of the LUE initiative collectively, and to meet to celebrate this recognition of the Lorraine site in terms of research, training and innovation.

On the morning of October 15, the second Infra+ labeling ceremony for Lorraine's research infrastructures took place. Of the hundred or so technology platforms listed, some twenty have been awarded the Star-LUE (STructure d'Appui à la Recherche Lorraine Université d'Excellence) label over the past two years, a guarantee of a high-level technical and research environment.

Three core facilities of the UMS IBSLor were honored during this ceremony: Biophysics & Structural Biology (B2S), Cytometry and Proteomics. This label rewards their efforts in the implementation of a quality approach, the continuous improvement of their services and the development of their skills.

A big congratulations to the collaborators of these 3 core facilities in obtaining this label! A big thank you also to Laurent PERILHON, Virginie JAN LOGASSI (DAPEQ, University of Lorraine) and Julie GONNET (UMS IBSLor) for their support in this labeling process.