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* Equipment A NextSeq2000 sequencer (Illumina) installed on the Epitranscriptomics and Sequencing Core Facility

The Epitranscriptomics and Sequencing core facility of UMS2008/US40 IBSLor is pleased to announce that it is equipped with Illumina's brand new sequencer, the NextSeq2000. This latest generation instrument is one of the very first to be installed nationally and internationally, and we are delighted to be able to share this excellent news with you.

The Epitranscriptomics and Sequencing core facility is specialized in the study and analysis of modified nucleotides within RNAs (Pseudouridines, 2'-O-methylations, 7-methyl-guanosines, 3-methyl-cytosines, Dihydrouridines, ...) . As such, and in collaboration with Pr Iouri Motorine (UMR7365, IMoPA), the core faciilty is a partner of the EpiARN project "EpiARN: Structure, dynamics and regulation of ribonucleoprotein complexes and epitranscriptome: impact on adaptation to the environment, human pathologies and host-pathogen interactions "coordinated by Dr Pascale Romby (IBMC, Strasbourg). This project is part of the themes of excellence financed by the regional research cooperation fund (FRCR).

Thus, thanks to this regional funding FRCR (Grand-Est) and to a co-funding granted by the University of Lorraine as well as the GIS-IBiSA, the core facility was able to acquire this new cutting-edge equipment to continue its various national and international collaborations, as well as epitranscriptomic research developed in collaboration with researchers from the IMoPA laboratory. A big thank you to all the funders and also to the Biology Medicine Health (BMS) pole of the Université de Lorraine for their support in the acquisition of this new equipment!

This new generation instrument will reduce waiting times and respond precisely to the needs of our collaborators. The core facility is at your disposal to support your scientific projects!