The EpiRNA-Seq Core Facility welcomed 12 PhD students from all over Europe as part of the COST Epitran for Epitranscriptomic training. Focus on this scientifically intense week which took place from 10 to 13 February 2020 at the Biopôle.
This training, mixing scientific seminars and practical courses, taught in English was attended by participants from all over Europe (France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Romania, Latvia, Norway).
During 4 days, participants learned key concepts in different fields (molecular biology, high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics) allowing to carry out a project to identify and quantify post-transcriptional modifications of RNA by high-throughput sequencing . Indeed, a better understanding of the location and role (s) of these changes in the physiological and pathological state will ultimately allow the identification of new biomarkers and / or new therapeutic targets.
Three internationally renowned speakers came to talk about their research in the field during the week:
- Pr Mark HELM (University of Mainz, Germany): "Analysis of RNA modifications by LC-MS"
- Dr Jean-Yves ROIGNANT (Center for Integrative Genomics, Lausanne, Switzerland): "RNA modifications and brain function"
- Dr Francesca TUORTO (DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany): "Detection of m5C in RNA by bisulfite sequencing”
The aim of this training session was to highlight a new research theme "epitranscriptomics" which is booming and which is promoted by publications of very high scientific level.