Using biophysical approaches available on the B2S core facility (ITC and NMR), I. Lebars (IBMC - Strasbourg), in collaboration with several members of team RNA-RNP from IMoPA’s laboratory (M.E. Chagot, B. Rothé, B. Charpentier, X. Manival) and M. Quinternet (UMS2008 IBSLor), demonstrated that U14 RNA can adopt a three-dimensional structure in pre-Kturn in its free state, stabilized in the presence of the Snu13 protein.
This study, published in Biochimie, are different from similar studies on other RNAs for which an induced-fit phenomenon triggered by Snu13 was demonstrated.
Publication: Chagot ME, Quinternet M, Rothé B, Charpentier B, Coutant J, Manival X, Lebars I. The yeast C/D box snoRNA U14 adopts a "weak" K-turn like conformation recognized by the Snu13 core protein in solution. Biochimie. 2019 Mar 23.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2019.03.014
PMID: 30914254
HAL: HAL-02082477