* Séminaire Conférence du Pr Valérie DE CRECY-LAGARD

Pr Valérie DE CRECY-LAGARD (Professor, Department of Microbiology and Cell Science & Genetics Institute, University of Florida) donnera une conférence initulée « From Genes to Mechanisms: Unveiling Functional Mysteries in Sequenced Genomes », le Mardi 11 Juin 2024 à 14H00, dans la salle de réunion 1A10 du Biopôle (Campus Brabois-Santé).

Résumé : Identifying the function of every gene in all sequenced organisms is the major challenge of the post-genomic era and an obligate step for any syst­ems biology approach. This objective is far from reached. By various estimates, at least 30-70% of the genes of any given organism are of unknown function, incorrectly annotated, or have only a generic annotation. Using comparative genomic approaches, we have linked genes and functions for around 65 gene families related mainly to coenzyme metabolism, nucleic acid modification, protein modification, and metabolite repair. Building on this body of work I will discuss the lessons learned and what should be the next steps to improve protein function prediction and discovery. 

Pour en savoir plus sur les recherches menées par Pr Valérie DE CRECY-LAGARD : https://microcell.ufl.edu/people/valerie-de-crecy-lagard/